
Friday, March 27, 2015

                   Student Success Statement 
"I am not bound to win, but i am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong."
                                       Abraham Lincoln 

This quote said by one of our greatest hero on history is very inspiring because it gives us an idea how to be truth and be a great person. This quote means that no matter where everyone goes, if they aren't choosing the right path you should let them go and choose your own path. Many people are going to tempt you to choose the wrong, and those are the people you don't need in your life because they will only make your spirit impure, make sure you choose the right people to be around with, choose those that inspire you to do your work, to not give up, and always do your best. 
                         April's Fool's Day
1. April's Fool's Day is celebrated the first day of every april.

2. The purpose for this celebration is for people to be able to play pranks, jokes, and tricks on others.

3. One theory is that in ancient times the new year would be celebrated around april, but later on a new calendar was introduced which made new year be on january 1, but many weren't aware of this change so they would still celebrate it and those you were aware would just make fun of them and play pranks on them.

4. Some pros of this celebration are that you can have a lot of fun with friends and family, and you can create awesome pranks that can make everyone laugh, but the cons are that some pranks can go over hand and seriously damage someone if they aren't done correctly.

5. One last interesting fact about April's Fool's Day is that the origin is unknown, and there are many theories but they cant be proven.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

                 Student Success Statement 
                       "Character is higher than intellect."
                                                           Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote has a much greater meaning that it shows, for many having the gift of intellectuality means every thing, but what's the point of being of higher intellectual than others if no one pays attention to you due to your bad character. A person that beholds an amazing character will always overcome the others, because people will noticed him/her for it's pure and amazing personality. In other words having a great character/personality is more beneficial than being intellectual.   
                Health Science Librarian 

Duties and responsibilities: Medical librarians are information specialists who provide assistance in finding medical documents. Clinical trials, medical treatments or procedures, as well as other needed documents. 

Salary: 50,000-60,000 per year

Education: Medical librarians hold a master's degree in library science with a concentration in the health sciences, medical library or similar. 


In reflection i would not choose to be a Health Science Librarian because it a job that requires a lot of memory, and be able to communicate fluently with everyone.

Monday, March 23, 2015

                  Student Success Statement 
                     "I trust that my hard work will pay off."
                                           Tyler Haws

I believe this quote means that additionally if  you give all you have at doing something you truly love you will see great changes, you will see improvement, but you need to dedicate to doing your best every second of practice, every minute, and every day. If you truly want to see changes you need to give up free time and dedicate yourself completely, even if it requires you to wake up at 5 in the morning just to practice more, or instead of playing video games practice. All the sacrifices you take for what you truly love, admire, and respect, will give great rewards, and it will make you one of the best at what you do. 

           Benefits of High School Football
High School football is a great topic between parents and children, many kids see it as an opportunity to do something after school, and also as a way to stay conditioned, but parent take it as a difficult choice because many parent are aware of the risk that their children take while playing this sport, its anywhere from a bruised finger, to a concussion. As bad effects might occur also good ones, High School football will teach the kid great life morals, also how to work as a team player, the sport will also increase its good health, and it will encourage them to do good academically since a 2.0 GPA is required to play.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

               True independence and freedom 

"True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right."
                                           Brigham Young  

I believe that this quote concludes the fact that by doing wrong you will carry a remorse feeling everywhere you go, and the only way to contradict that feeling is by doing the right. No matter how small the act of kindness you do is, it will still liberate your soul and allow it to be independent, but if you choose to smoke, drink, do drugs, or do the wrong, you are always going to feel linked to the feeling of slavery.  
                        Career opportunities 
-Astronomy science
This are some great career opportunities you can accomplish in Hawaii, these careers are good because they would allow you to learn many new things, and discover new things.

-Politics and government
-computer science
-health and medical
This are some careers offered in the UK, and they are great opportunities because you'll be able to help many people.

Reflection: I would really desire to work on another country and more if it's on astronomy, i would like to study astronomy in Hawaii because it gives more extensive courses, and a greater opportunity, it is also a great place to take vacations.  

Friday, March 13, 2015

               Keith, Justice, Parker
This team are more than just good players, in one of their games they worked as a team to get the ball close to the goal line in order to give keith a chance to score, keith suffered from mental disorder making his touchdown the most important of the season, he was a truly great person so the team joined in the effort to make him extremely happy, Keith's life change from that moment on. 

                 Student Success Statement 
                "They're only truly great who are truly good" 
                                George Chapman

This quote means that you can be really good at something, like playing football, soccer, baseball, basketball, but if you are good because you use drugs you aren't great, you are just cheating yourself and taking the place of someone that deserves it more than you. In order to become one of the best you need to work hard every day and keep your goal in mind, that is what it takes to achieve greatness, but by using drugs you ruin that opportunity, it might help you reach first place but you will have an impure spirit. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

                   Student Success Statement 
"Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn't. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in a sport than a cheater. Don't do it."
                                           George Mitchell

By using steroids you will indeed be able to improve your performance, and it might even make you win, but is it really worth knowing that you won something in an unfair way, that it wasn't because of your hard work that you were able to accomplish your goal, and that you took the place of someone who deserved it more than you, because the other person had been working hard everyday just to end up in second place due to someone that chose the wrong and used drugs just to be better, so dont do it, and play fair.   

Monday, March 9, 2015

                  Student Success Statement
                                       "I won't cheat"
                                            Dale Murphy 

This is a great quote because it helps many understand that many things can be accomplished with out the need of cheating, cheating is the worst way to not choose the right because if you cheat you will also end up telling lies and making up excuses. It's better to fail an exam and study for the next time you have another one, rather than making yourself think that cheating in the correct thing to do, by not cheating you are going to feel better with yourself.

Duties and responsibilities: they explain the cancer diagnosis and the meaning of the disease stage to the patient.

Salary: 200,000-250,000

Education: oncologists must complete additional training through an oncology fellowship program.


Reflection: I would like to be an oncologist because it would be a great way to study one of the most amusing diseases, and I would be able to help many people.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

                  Student Success Statement 
                               "Character matters most."
                                          Dale Murphy 

I believe this means that you can do many good things for others but it won't mean nothing to you if you do it in a bad character, the only way you are always going to feel happy when you do an act off honesty is if you do it with a good feeling, if you do it honestly, never do something if you feel you are being force, it is best if you do it because you feel happy about doing so.

Duties and responsibilities: Light therapy is a way to treat seasonal affective disorder,  by exposure to artificial light.

Salary: 40,000-60,000

Education: you don’t much education to do this, just a lot of practice.


Reflection: I wouldn't like to do heliotherapy because there are risks to it, also it very complex.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

                  Student success statement 

 "Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all."
                                     Benjamin Franklin 

This quote has a great meaning because it let us know that no matter how wealthy, and how strong you are having a right heart is better, having a right heart means that you know when is the right time to choose the right, it means that if you see someone in trouble you wont doubt it and you will offer your most sincere help. Having a right heart means that you care for others good being before you worry about your, if you have a right heart you have a pure spirit, and over the years it will be better to have a good spirit rather than all the money in the world because you life is going to be in peace.
Health Educator

Responsibilities: they are in charge of teaching people of behaviors that promote wellness, they go around communities teaching kids the ways to live a good life.

Salary: 35,000-50,000

Education: they need a bachelors degree, and training.


Reflection: I would not like to be a health educator because it will require a lot of patience, and being able to communicate with young people most of the time.